There are many ways to become actively involved in New Prague Area Catholic Community and participating in one of several Liturgical Ministries is an excellent opportunity for you to be like Christ and serve one another.
Liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given our community to the fullest extent and we hope you’ll share your gifts with us. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or a public role of service within the Mass, your contribution will help our liturgies be truly lifegiving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.
Lay ministers who are part of our liturgical celebrations: Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers, Greeters, Coffee & Donut Sunday Hosts); Ministers of Music (Cantor, Choir Members, Handbell Ringers, Flutists and other Instrumentalists); Ministers of the Word (Lectors, Readers for the Liturgy of the Word for Children, Catechists for the Catechumenate); Ministers of Communion (Gift Bearers, Eucharistic Ministers at Masses and who take Communion to the Sick); Ministers of the Altar (Servers, Sacristans, Environment & Worship).
Take a moment and click on the "listings" to the right side of the page; you'll enjoy seeing some of what is offered here at the NPACC. And again, we encourage you and your family to become involved with our community.