Funeral Location: Cemetery:
Healing Hearts Ministry gives you a free flash drive with a recording of the service. If the funeral is at St. Wenceslaus, you can have the funeral live streamed (broadcast over the Internet for live viewing). Do you want the funeral live-streamed? Yes / No
Funeral Choir: Yes / No
Gathering Hymn: (Choose Gathering) # Name:
First Reading: (Choose 1st) # Name:
Read by:
Responsorial Psalm: (Choose Psalm) # Name:
Second Reading: (Choose 2nd) # Name:
Read by:
Gospel: (Choose Gospel) # Name:
Intercessions/Prayers of the Faithful: (See Intercessions A) OR (See Intercessions B)
Which do you want? A / B Read by:
Presentation of the Gifts: by:
Preparations of the Gifts Hymn: (Choose Hymn) # Name:
Communion Hymn #1: (Choose Communion) # Name:
Communion Hymn #2 (if needed): (Choose Second) # Name:
Words of Remembrance: (Please see guidelines) Read by:
Sending Forth Hymn: (Choose Sending) # Name:
Do you want incense during the final commendation: Yes / No
Casket Pallbearers / Cremation Urn bearer(s):
Honorary Casket Pallbearers / Cremation Urn bearer(s):
Funeral Lunch at: